Risultati con temaTouchet Mervyn lord of Castlehaven
autore | titolo | genere | anno |
Herrup Cynthia | A house in gross disorder | saggio | 1999 |
Didier Godard | Goût de monsieur, Le | saggio | 2002 |
Alan Bray | Homosexuality in Renaissance England | saggio | 1982 |
Katherine O'Donnel, David Halperin, Alan Bray, Randolph Trumbach, George Rousseau, Alan Stewart, George Haggerty, Mario DiGangi, Nicholas Radel, Jody Greene | Love, sex, intimacy and friendship between men, 1550-1800 | saggio | 2003 |
H. Montgomery Hyde | Other love, The | saggio | 1972 |
Anonimo | The case of sodomy, in the tryal of Mervin Lord Audley, Earl of Castlehaven, for committing a rape and sodomy with two of his servants, | documenti | 2010 |