Libri correlati a The homoerotics of early modern drama
autore | titolo | genere | anno |
B | |||
Gregory Bredbeck | Sodomy and interpretation | saggio | 1991 |
C | |||
Louis Crompton | Homosexuality and civilization | saggio | 2003 |
E | |||
J. Z. Eglinton | Greek love | saggio | 1971 |
G | |||
Marjorie Garber | Interessi truccati | saggio | 1994 |
Jonathan Goldberg | Sodometries | saggio | 1992 |
Jonathan Goldberg, Janet Halley, Valerie Traub, Alan Smith, Carla Freccero, Forrest Stevens, Donald Mager, Elizabeth Pittenger, Dorothy Stephens, Graham Hammill, Richard Rambuss, Jeff Masten, Marcie Frank, Michael Warner, Margaret Hunt, Alan Bray | Queering the Renaissace | saggio | 1994 |
H | |||
Paul Hammond | Figuring sex between men from Shakespeare to Rochester | saggio | 2002 |
O | |||
Katherine O'Donnel, David Halperin, Alan Bray, Randolph Trumbach, George Rousseau, Alan Stewart, George Haggerty, Mario DiGangi, Nicholas Radel, Jody Greene | Love, sex, intimacy and friendship between men, 1550-1800 | saggio | 2003 |
P | |||
Joseph Pequigney | Such is my love: | saggio | 1985 |
S | |||
Alan Sinfield | Wilde century, The | saggio | 1994 |
Bruce Smith | Homosexual desire in Shakespeare's England | saggio | 1994 |
Colin Spencer | Homosexuality in history | saggio | 1996 |
Claude Summers | Homosexuality in Renaissance and Enlightenment England | saggio | 1992 |
W | |||
Stanley Wells | Shakespeare, Sex, and Love | saggio | 2012 |
Oscar Wilde | Ritratto di Mr. W. H., Il | romanzo | 1960 |